
Friday, December 30, 2011

Michael's New Job

Today I got a call from Michael saying that he was hired for a new job! Praise the Lord! Its a full time job as a security guard. I have been slightly worried with the wedding coming up so soon and Michael still not having a full time job, but the Lord provided for our needs. Its one thing that I don't need to worry about anymore. And as a added bonus (for me) he gets to wear a uniform. haha It may sound kind of cheesy but I have a weakness for uniforms. Is that weird?

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Merry Christmas

It was sad to see my family and Michael leave today but it was nice to have them here. It was kind of tight trying to fit everyone in the house but we managed. It was a really warm Christmas this year. People were outside on the lake fishing in shorts and t-shirts, so much for a white christmas. :P This year I got my mom a very special gift. Since this was the first time in 2 years that all 4 of her girls were together my sister and we decided to get pictures done of all four of us. Of course my mom is very suspicious and found out about but its the thought that counts. We had a good time. I was also able to get some engagement photos done with Michael. I finally have some decent pictures lol. I can't believe that my wedding is in 2 1/2 months, and my time here in Florida is coming to an end soon. We did a lot of wedding planning this past week. Everything seems to be going great. Things are still a little busy but they'll slow down soon, so hopefully I'll be able to keep up with this more. ;)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Family arrives!

I didn't realize how long it had been since I had posted something. I guess things just got so busy. I've been working a lot lately. The Christmas season is dying down so that means my hours are also going to die down which in a way its nice because I need the rest. I've finally have my wedding dress fitted and Michael's ring! That's two things off my list.

Last night my parents and two little sisters finally arrived in Florida! I was really excited to see them especially since I hadn't seen my dad or my sisters in almost a year and a half. My little sisters have gotten so big! Its unbelievable! The rest of the family arrive later on this week on Thursday and Friday and then everyone will be here! Its going to be a full house but I'm happy to have everyone here for Christmas!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Work, Work and More Work

It has been a very busy week. I wasn't planning on working very much because my boss told me we didn't have very many sittings so hours were going to be low. Well the week is over and I worked close to 40 hours this week. So much for it being slow. Needless to say I am exhausted. Today was my day off, well it was supposed to be. I ended up being called in to work a few hours this evening. At least I was able to sleep in. Friday and Saturday were my busy days as I ended up working for 12 hours each day. Talk about tiring.

I was able to get some other things done this week besides work. On Tuesday I went to Tampa and had my dress fitting. Ended up costing a lot more than I hoped, ouch! Then I also bought Michael's wedding band as well. We had to order it so I will pick it up next Wednesday when I have my final dress fitting, hopefully everything will fit. Speaking of wedding, Michael and I have finally set a date, which makes me happy because I didn't like not having one. We were hoping for January but we wanted to be safe and make sure we had everything in order so we decided on March 4th. Only three months away! Really can't wait!

Christmas is coming soon, so that means family is coming soon. I'm excited to see my parents but I'm more excited to see my two little sisters. Is that bad? Michael is also coming down for Christmas so that's another exciting thing. My entire family together for Christmas, should be an interesting one.

Life with my grandparents is going as usual. Though I'm not sure if they are getting more cranky or me. Either way at times, it gets a little stressful here, more for me than them. But I'm pushing through it and reminding myself that I only have a little bit more time here and the end is in sight. At least I have a roof over my head. ;)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Back to Normal

Thanksgiving was really great! I enjoyed spending it with my fiance and my future family. While in Augusta I was able to get some wedding stuff done with Michael. I'm really happy that we're finally getting some things done and moving forward in the planning. We have a possible site for where the wedding is going to be, a possible photographer and we've already bought one wedding band and I'm going to get the other one sometime this week. Things are falling into place. So now I'm back in the sunny state of Florida. I really think its wrong that its almost December and I'm still able to wear shorts and flip flops outside. Now its back to normal life, well as normal as it gets.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Oh How Time Flies

Didn't realize it had been awhile since I last posted something. Life has been pretty busy lately. Its getting closer to the Christmas season which means my job gets busier, which means more hours (not that I'm complaining). I've been working most everyday, with maybe a few days off here and there. Its a very interesting job, especially with little kids. I'm getting better, and have had a few more successes at getting fussing kids to smile (with some help from time to time of course). ;) This next Monday is going to be pretty interesting as we have a special that day. People will be able to come in and get their picture with Santa Claus. I'm seeing a lot of scared, crying and frustrated parents in my near future lol. Its shall be a very intriguing day.

Thanksgiving is less than a week away! This is my favorite time of the year. My plans have changed a bit for this next week. I was originally going to Georgia for Thanksgiving and then off to North Carolina for a friends wedding. Well the wedding has been "postponed." I am still going to Georgia for Thanksgiving though. I wasn't about to give that up. ;)  I'll just be heading back down to Florida earlier than expected. I'm really looking forward to this week, and getting to see everyone in Georgia!

Other big news, my parents are flying back to the states this coming weekend. They'll be landing in DC and will be down here in FL for Christmas. They were finally able to sell their car, which is a big blessing, as they will need that money to buy another one here that they can use for travel.

I was looking in my closet for something the other day, and way in the back of it I found my mom's wedding dress. I knew it was in the house somewhere I just didn't know where. I think my grandmother might have put it there hoping that I might use it maybe? I already have my own dress so I won't be using her's. But it was interesting to see my mom's dress up close instead of just in pictures. I decided to take a picture of her dress next to my dress, just to see the two generations and the difference. My mom's is the on the left and mine is on the right. I don't think you need me to tell you, its kind of an obvious difference. ;)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Reuniting with Loved Ones

I'm really excited! In exactly two weeks I will be on a train heading to Augusta, GA. I'll be spending Thanksgiving with Michael and his family up there. It will only be for two days but it will be worth it to see Michael again. After that I will be on my way to North Carolina to a friend's wedding. She's a really good friend and I have known her for awhile, its going to be exciting to share the special day with her.

I can't believe its only two weeks till Thanksgiving. The weekend after Thanksgiving my parents will be flying back to the states for an early furlough. I'll be able to see them at Christmas time when they come down to Florida. I saw my mom just this last September, but I haven't seen my dad and two little sisters since last May. Its going to be a very exciting time to see them after such a long time. These next two months are going to be packed filled with fun.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Car Problems

Its only Wednesday and it feels like Friday. This week I've been going all the way to Brandon which is about 40 minutes away for training for work. The first day my grandparents had to drive me since their was only one car available, but they recently bought one for me to use while I'm here. I'm very grateful for it, since a car is not a cheap thing to buy. Since Brandon is such a distance a coworker and I are carpooling together. I drove Tuesday. Everything was going well, we got there and back to Lakeland in one piece. I dropped her off at her apartment and then was going to run an errand and then head back to my house on the other side of town. Well while on my way to the errand I realized the car was making a strange noise. I wasn't sure what it was at first, then I realized that the engine was revving up but it wasn't going that fast. I then decided that it would be best to try to get home as quick as possible. I was turning around, and then realized I wasn't going to make it back to the house because the car was only going 20 mph and no more. So I pulled over into the closest parking lot I could find and then called my grandparents to see if they could pick me up. My grandmother ended up having the car and she was in another town, so I had to find somebody else to pick me up, luckily my aunt was able to. My grandfather called the auto shop and they sent out the tow truck. I ended up waiting for about an hour but I am very grateful that the car did not break down on the interstate and that I have family near by to help. So since the car was out of use, I needed a ride to work. So the coworker who I drove, was able to drive and I could ride with her. Very grateful for the service though I have to say I was scared out of my mind. She does not like driving very much, so she was quite nervous, especially on the highways. I think I was on the edge of my seat the entire ride. Thankfully we made it back in one piece! After this week we'll be done with training so there will be no more need to go out of town which makes things easier. I have to say my life is getting busier than what it used to be. Its a nice change, though I am very tired at the end of the day. Its better than doing nothing!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Jobs, Nicknames, and Texting

It has definitely been an fun filled week. Monday Michael had an interview with McDonald's and he got a job! How exciting! Praise the Lord! He went back Wednesday for orientation and he starts training next week. We are both thrilled that the Lord provided a job for him! His birthday was also Wednesday. I'm sad that I wasn't able to be there and celebrate it with him but I did my best to make that day special for him. Today I had my first day of work, well training. It was very good, and I think I'm going to enjoy my time there.

Meanwhile here at the grandparent's house things have been running as normally as they could be. I have seemed to pick up a new nickname from my grandmother. She usually calls me Beth or Bethie, which the other old people at our church have picked up on. It was kind of embarrassing at first (especially Bethie) but I got used to. The new nickname she has for me, is worse than the first two, but I've gotten so used used to those that I just don't pay attention to this one, I just hope that nobody at church picks up on it. Its Bethie Maybelle. Not sure how I got it, its just what my grandmother calls me. I was actually in a store the other day, and the cashier asked me how I pronounced my name, at first I thought she meant my last name but then I realized she was talking about my first name. She had never heard of the name Bethany. I thought that was kind of odd, as my name is not that uncommon.

Speaking of grandparents, mine aren't very tech savvy, just like all the other old folk. So with me living with them I am often called upon to help in computer or tv problems. Sometimes its just a simple little thing, and other times its something big. Recently my grandmother started texting, which surprised me. It was all because they had to buy a new phone, because their old phone was dropped into the ocean on their cruise (really funny story). Anyways, they're new phone had a qwerty keyboard with it, so my grandmother started trying out texting. Of course, I was there to help her. It took her awhile to get it but she eventually got the hang of it, though she sometimes requests for help. Its just funny seeing my grandmother text, knowing her. With all the questions and asks for help, it makes me feel pretty smart, though I know I'm not really smart in that area, but to my grandparents I seem like it. Anyways, I'll just keep thinking I am how smart I feel. ;)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Say Cheese!

Some exciting news this week! Friday I received a call from the Portrait Studio at JcPenney's and they offered a job! I'm very excited and grateful. Its only the by the grace of God that I was able to receive this job, in a way I'm very surprised that I got it. I start training sometime this week. I have not received my schedule for it, but will tomorrow. Thank you all for the prayers! Other great news is that Michael was able to get his license on Thursday! Now I get the privilege of him driving me around! He also has an interview with McDonald's tomorrow, so pray that it will go well because he really needs a job. I'm just very excited to see things moving along a little after tons of prayer. To everything that has happened I give the credit to prayer. Prayer has such power, especially in numbers! So again, thank you all for your prayers!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Prayers and Blessings

Time seems to be going by slow yet fast at the same time. I've been searching for a job and so far I've had no such luck. I did have a group interview with four other people at a portrait studio, hopefully something may come out of that. But I've noticed that lately its so hard to find a job. I know so many people who are looking for jobs and haven't been able to find one. I guess its not the best time to find a job. But one thing I have been learning is trusting in God and His timing. It has definitely not been easy. I always catch a glimmer of hope only to have that glimmer disappear the next moment. Living down here in Florida is not helping any, being with my grandparents and away from my fiance. I'm trying to remain strong though. I know that God will provide for my every need and that I have no need to worry. Easier said than done, right? Its hard to trust God when I have no idea what He is doing but I guess that's the whole idea of trust. God will provide for all my needs and in His perfect timing. I would really appreciate prayers through this time.

Ok, now that I've gotten that out time to focus on something happier. One thing about me is that I love the simple things. Sure I don't mind extravagant things once in awhile but all of my favorite memories are always of simple things. The other night I went out to drop off some applications. I don't usually go out at night because I don't like driving at night. But when I went out I forgot how much I like the lights and the atmosphere. I just love admiring all the lights of the buildings, cars, and street lights. Its such a beautiful sight. Also, have you ever noticed the other cars on the road while you are driving? How they all turn in unison when going around a curve. I don't know why but I was fascinated with it as I was driving the other day. The simple things in life can become the most extraordinary things. God has blessed us so much more than we know!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Beginning

Well I decided to start a blog. I like to write sometimes (especially funny stories, which I have a lot of) but I'm not usually pretty good at keeping up with it so we'll see how this goes. I decided to start this because I really have nothing better to do and I spend a lot of time on the computer anyways so I thought I would do something useful with my time, well, another thing useful. Besides there are so many people out there (e.g. extended family)  asking me how I am doing and wanting to know what is going on in my life and I guess this is the best way to do so. So here it goes.....

There have been a lot of things that have been happening in my life lately. I'm recently engaged to a wonderful man, Michael Rinderknecht. I'm currently looking for a job, which is the most difficult thing to do. I'm not currently in school, I don't think I'll go back to school, but we'll see how it goes as time goes on. I have been doing a lot of traveling in the past several months. I was at camp for two months during the summer, which was a very amazing time. After that I was in Georgia for a month staying with my fiance and his brother and family. Then I found out that my sister was having surgery and my mom was coming back to the states for it, so I headed up to Pennsylvania for about 3 weeks, after which I traveled to Tennessee with my mom and sister to visit my grandpa and family there. Finally after a week there I flew down to Florida where I am currently at. I am staying with my grandparents which makes it nice, but its still not home. I've been here for about three weeks and will be here for an undetermined amount of time. I have to say its hard to live so far away from home, though I could technically consider Lakeland home. One of the things I hate most is being a burden on people, and moving around and staying at other people's houses for a period of time makes me feel like that. I really wish I had a place to call my home and that was really mine. I guess that's one of the reasons I'm so anxious to get married so I could have a place to call my own. Its not an easy thing living at other people's houses but I guess that's the life of a missionary kid. I want to thank all those people who housed me at their homes and put up with me, I really appreciated it. Speaking of life as a missionary kid, one of the downsides to it is that everybody know's your parent's names and not yours, and all your known as is a letter of the alphabet (one of the consequences of being in a family who named their kids in alphabetical order, but I don't mind it). I actually got asked by one of the ladies in my church which letter of the alphabet I was, I thought it was kind of funny :) . 

Ok, so let me explain the name of this blog. In the past year I've become fascinated with the love of God. I've always known that He loved me but it was only this past year that I have been astounded at how great it is. It's my favorite attribute of God and I get so excited talking about it. So that's the "loved" part. I'm a truly blessed person. God has blessed me with His love (so amazing!). He has blessed me with the people He has put in my life, and He has blessed me with His Word. I just can't get over how loved and blessed I am, its completely amazing and I don't deserve it. That's how I got the name of this blog.

Hopefully this post wasn't to long. It was my first one so I guess it should be long. Anyways, thanks for reading it!