
Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Beginning

Well I decided to start a blog. I like to write sometimes (especially funny stories, which I have a lot of) but I'm not usually pretty good at keeping up with it so we'll see how this goes. I decided to start this because I really have nothing better to do and I spend a lot of time on the computer anyways so I thought I would do something useful with my time, well, another thing useful. Besides there are so many people out there (e.g. extended family)  asking me how I am doing and wanting to know what is going on in my life and I guess this is the best way to do so. So here it goes.....

There have been a lot of things that have been happening in my life lately. I'm recently engaged to a wonderful man, Michael Rinderknecht. I'm currently looking for a job, which is the most difficult thing to do. I'm not currently in school, I don't think I'll go back to school, but we'll see how it goes as time goes on. I have been doing a lot of traveling in the past several months. I was at camp for two months during the summer, which was a very amazing time. After that I was in Georgia for a month staying with my fiance and his brother and family. Then I found out that my sister was having surgery and my mom was coming back to the states for it, so I headed up to Pennsylvania for about 3 weeks, after which I traveled to Tennessee with my mom and sister to visit my grandpa and family there. Finally after a week there I flew down to Florida where I am currently at. I am staying with my grandparents which makes it nice, but its still not home. I've been here for about three weeks and will be here for an undetermined amount of time. I have to say its hard to live so far away from home, though I could technically consider Lakeland home. One of the things I hate most is being a burden on people, and moving around and staying at other people's houses for a period of time makes me feel like that. I really wish I had a place to call my home and that was really mine. I guess that's one of the reasons I'm so anxious to get married so I could have a place to call my own. Its not an easy thing living at other people's houses but I guess that's the life of a missionary kid. I want to thank all those people who housed me at their homes and put up with me, I really appreciated it. Speaking of life as a missionary kid, one of the downsides to it is that everybody know's your parent's names and not yours, and all your known as is a letter of the alphabet (one of the consequences of being in a family who named their kids in alphabetical order, but I don't mind it). I actually got asked by one of the ladies in my church which letter of the alphabet I was, I thought it was kind of funny :) . 

Ok, so let me explain the name of this blog. In the past year I've become fascinated with the love of God. I've always known that He loved me but it was only this past year that I have been astounded at how great it is. It's my favorite attribute of God and I get so excited talking about it. So that's the "loved" part. I'm a truly blessed person. God has blessed me with His love (so amazing!). He has blessed me with the people He has put in my life, and He has blessed me with His Word. I just can't get over how loved and blessed I am, its completely amazing and I don't deserve it. That's how I got the name of this blog.

Hopefully this post wasn't to long. It was my first one so I guess it should be long. Anyways, thanks for reading it!


  1. Not too long at all! It's funny, because that's kind of how I came up with my blog name too (Plus the verse from Job 1:21 tacked on the end). I'm following you now!

  2. Yay! At least someone is reading it lol. That is really interesting that we both came up with similar names :)

  3. Not too many people really read mine (but I don't really try to find people to read it either)but it's always nice getting at least some feedback. Haha, I guess having a good man in your life makes you feel pretty blessed! :)

  4. Very true! I guess even if nobody reads I'll still enjoy writing it. Its a good way to express what I'm thinking and be able to remember things. Rinderknecht men are the best! ;)
