
Friday, July 26, 2013


Just a quick little update on the Rinderknecht household. Life has been pretty busy lately, between Michael working, babysitting, getting up early running to run errands, preparing for baby and dog sitting I feel like the days are flying by faster than I can count them. This week we have the fun of having two dogs. My brother and sister-in-law left for a vacation so they asked us to take of their sheltie. She's a real sweetie. It is nice having her around and keeping Mozzie occupied, I think he gets a little to bored during the day with just me here.

Michael has a short work week thankfully. Starting Sunday he has a four day weekend, which we are going to use to just relax and maybe do something fun if the weather permits. Summer is the busiest season at Delta so its been a little tiring for him, but he's been working so hard. I'm very proud of him. :) On top of all of that he's getting ready to go back to school. He'll start classes in August. Not much else going on as of now, more updates to come.


  1. I didn't know you were babysitting! Is it a full time thing? Good luck with Michael going to school. It can be a long, hard, and lonely road at times, but since it's worth it!

    1. It's part time. I babysit a friend's baby 2 days out of the week. I've been doing it since March. It's been nice to have a little bit of extra money to use for small things here and there. And thanks! We're both trying to enjoy all the free time we have now before he starts school and the baby gets here. ;)
