
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Oh How Time Flies

Didn't realize it had been awhile since I last posted something. Life has been pretty busy lately. Its getting closer to the Christmas season which means my job gets busier, which means more hours (not that I'm complaining). I've been working most everyday, with maybe a few days off here and there. Its a very interesting job, especially with little kids. I'm getting better, and have had a few more successes at getting fussing kids to smile (with some help from time to time of course). ;) This next Monday is going to be pretty interesting as we have a special that day. People will be able to come in and get their picture with Santa Claus. I'm seeing a lot of scared, crying and frustrated parents in my near future lol. Its shall be a very intriguing day.

Thanksgiving is less than a week away! This is my favorite time of the year. My plans have changed a bit for this next week. I was originally going to Georgia for Thanksgiving and then off to North Carolina for a friends wedding. Well the wedding has been "postponed." I am still going to Georgia for Thanksgiving though. I wasn't about to give that up. ;)  I'll just be heading back down to Florida earlier than expected. I'm really looking forward to this week, and getting to see everyone in Georgia!

Other big news, my parents are flying back to the states this coming weekend. They'll be landing in DC and will be down here in FL for Christmas. They were finally able to sell their car, which is a big blessing, as they will need that money to buy another one here that they can use for travel.

I was looking in my closet for something the other day, and way in the back of it I found my mom's wedding dress. I knew it was in the house somewhere I just didn't know where. I think my grandmother might have put it there hoping that I might use it maybe? I already have my own dress so I won't be using her's. But it was interesting to see my mom's dress up close instead of just in pictures. I decided to take a picture of her dress next to my dress, just to see the two generations and the difference. My mom's is the on the left and mine is on the right. I don't think you need me to tell you, its kind of an obvious difference. ;)


  1. That is a really neat picture! And I know I've said this before, but your dress is gorgeous. Is that a lace cape on the back of your mom's dress??

  2. Thanks! I like it a lot.:) It was the first one I tried on. No its not a lace cape. Her dress has long netted sleeves, and she also has netting that goes up to the neck with some lace around the neck. It does kind of look like a cape in the picture.
